Hi, i’m Schuyler.
Schuyler 'Rocky' Reidel
Mr. Reidel is the Founder of and the Managing Attorney at Reidel Law Firm. He established the company in 2014 with a vision to provide valuable, cost-effective counsel to business owners in Texas. As the company grew, Mr. Reidel expanded its business operations to include franchise law and international trade matters. Even though Reidel Law Firm is based in Galveston, Texas, Mr. Schuyler Reidel travels often to attend various business events and assist clients from Russia, Panama, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and China.
Mr. Reidel graduated from the University of Arkansas – Little Rock: Bowen School of Law in Arkansas, U.S.A., and the Sam Houston State University in Texas, U.S.A., where he obtained a degree in public relations.
Schuyler Reidel